
Computer Science

Computer science is the study of computers. Some broad catagories of computer science are: Programing, Cryptography, AI, and Big Data.


When you are programing, you use things called languages to tell the computer what to do. Some common languages include: Phython, Javascript, and HTML.


Physics is the study of energy and matter. Some common topics to study sound, electricity, heat, light, and the structure of atoms.


Common formulas for working with sound include:
DB= 10 log10(P2/P1) ---- Decibells
Frequency= Speed of sound/Lambda ---- Frequency


Chemistry is the act of identifying substances that matter is composed of. Chemists usally study how substances interact with eachother.

Periodic Tab


Geology is the study of the earth's physical features. Some common topics include plate tectonics, volcanos, gemstones, and fossils.

Plate Tectonics

Plates are made up of different boundaries. Some examples include uplift zones and island arcs.